You could'nt attend some live sessions or would like to hear again from some speakers? Please click on the live session on replay hereunder.
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Inaugural session
How festivals went through the crisis: the experience of Tomorrowland, KIKK, Wallifornia
- Tomorrowland, Philippe Ben Mohammed
- KIKK Festival, Marie du Chastel
- C2, Anick Beaulieu
[NB : Tomorrowland not recorded]
Panel: Digital technology challenges
- Hovertone, Nicolas d'Alessandro : contactless interactions
- D-event, Harold Kinet: cashess and online registrations
- Dogstudio, Henry Daubrez: mutlidisciplinary creative studio
Panel : Communication & marketing challenges
- Lapino Albino, Niels Aernouts, communication agency
- Memovie, Olivier Gaillard, which launches fully automated video production
- Wallifornia Musictech, Gérôme Vanherf: music & e-sport virtual summit
Panel: Live show challenges
- Freecaster, Raymond Dulieu: video production, live streaming and video platform
- Dirty Monitor, Arnaud Meulemeester: creative studio, pioneer in the field of content conception and realisation for video mapping and other audiovisual productions
- Moment Factory, Daniel Jean: multimedia entertainment studio
Panel : Virtual networking challenges
- B2match, Georg Aslanjan: event and matchmaking software solutions
- Stereopsia, Alexandra Gerard: World Immersion Forum
- Mind&Market & TEDxUCLouvain, Martin Nera: connect innovation to the market